It has been an interesting couple of weeks. Things have
slowed a little bit. Sister Parkerson and I had time to go on
a reconnaissance mission to look for fruit trees with fruit we can
pick and can for winter. It may be a long cold winter with higher food prices

It takes a little getting used to but
these 4 wheelers are a lot of fun
and can go many places.
( Yah I know this is missionary

Sisters Parkerson and Huffaker
spent some time raking around the
Joseph Smith Farm.

Elders Flynn and Boudreau also helped.
Today Elder Jensen from the 70 was here
to evaluate the Sacred Grove and determine
if it needed any work to be more safe.

The Joseph Smith Frame home in the background. This is the home that Joseph's brother "Alvin" was building when he died, leaving behind his family and fiancee.

Taking a break!

The old wagon in the lean to shed behind the threshing barn on the Joseph Smith Farm.

We had a great weekend last weekend! Our dear friends Betty & Vern Knowlton from Loudon, New Hampshire came for a visit. As a double bonus Katie & John came down from Vermont. We had a really good time visiting the sites. We visited the Peter Whitmer
Farm in Fayette where the church was organized. We also went to Sauders. If you come here for a visit you must go to Sauders. It is an old Mennonite Country Store with all kinds of canned goods made "down on the farm". It is unique to say the least. B&V got us a bushel of pears to can. We also visited the Hill Cumorah Visitor center. The weather was beautiful.