Friday, May 1, 2009

At the Missionary Training Center at last

On Monday morning, April 27th about 10:30 am we arrived at the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah. What a day. What a week. I had come down with another bronchial infection - what a conincidence there were two doctors in our company. I got an Rx for antibiotic and moved forward. I don't recall ever spending such a time in my life when I have had so much spirituality. We had constant daily spiritual experiences. Story after story from those there sharing their experiences. There are no coincidences in the MTC or in the church or life for that matter. It was very moving to sit in a devotional on Tuesday night with 2000 young missionaries singing "True to the Faith that our parents have cherished". I know at least one senior missionary with tears running down his face.

As you learn to teach the Gospel by the Spirit you discover that it truly is the Spirit that teaches. When you feel inadequate or that you don't know what to say - the Spirit is right there putting ideas and words into your mind. I cannot imagine another setting wher you can get so close to so many other couples in such a short time. It was hard to say goodbye as we left for our separate calls - we had become good friends. It was very hard to leave. Back into the world!


  1. We love reading and following along on your great adventure as missionaries!

  2. I'm looking forward to following your mission experiences. Love and prayers to you both. -Sandy

  3. nice way to keep a journal and keep in contact!
    thanks for the link
    dan skousen
